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This Week's Message

A Crown of Chaos

Summary: The child matures, the storm settles, the truth frees itself from forces of contrariness to shine in perfect ordination of form and character. To arrive at this point of imperturbable equilibrium requires mindful focus on what’s right in front of you. Forces of change are pushing to the surface all kinds of surprises. Creative engagement with what shows up in your awareness gives you a much-needed point of focus, as disorder reigns. Ignore as best you can the spattering, raucous outpouring of time’s controlled unraveling. Yes, it’s chaotic out there in the world at large. But you have a universe of your own to explore. No longer can you deny the insistent relays from your deep inner self. As you master the art of tending to your own temporal untidiness, you’ll find an impressive transformation is underway. Move confidently through the passages that open from your inner historical archives, and with loving regard set yourself free.

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Page of Cups — Two of Pentacles (reversed) — The Empress (reversed)

Nine's Path weekly Pleiadian tarot channeled message

No longer can you deny insistent relays from your deep inner self. Tend to your temporal untidiness. An impressive transformation is underway. #pleiadian #chaos #ninespath Share on X

FOUNDATION: Page of Cups

Here’s an idea. It presents itself unannounced, unexpected. It carries with it the potential to completely sweep the decks clear of everything that’s been occupying you and set you on a new course of creativity and determination. What you do with it depends not so much on what your plans are but on how well you can incorporate the unexpected into your overall life story. Can you deal with a plot twist? You’ve had some of those to deal with recently and they’ve proved to be world-changing. Not always for the better, you may want to say. But in time, even the most loathsome of changes can bear unexpected good things. Thus may it be with the current set of circumstances you find yourself facing. Yes, there may be an upsurge in energies. You might sense that around you or within you, but either way, they are likely to hint at something overwhelmingly unknown to you. Rest assured, things are changing, you not least among them. What comes to you as a sparkling new idea, an innovation in how you do things, how you present yourself, carries with it the potential to initiate changes. Before you moan about the incessant influx of startling diversions from the path, consider the gift. You may see it as something completely out of place with your set of reality parameters, but in truth, it is a gift you are giving yourself. You have some secrets yet to discover about this person you are. For too long, those have been kept subsumed under a general complacency about how things are. That is about to change.

LODESTONE: Two of Pentacles (reversed)

As roiling waves can sweep a ship off course, so too can events and circumstance. Choices, considerations, and creative bifurcations place themselves squarely in your hands, just as background chaos ramps up a notch or ten. How well can you cope with your need for balance and peaceful reflection in the midst of what for all appearances is an energetic riptide? How do you settle yourself in relation to currents that seem hell-bent on tearing up the visible shoreline to the essential framework of potential itself? Know that the chaos is a background white noise, the outpouring of what can no longer be confined, controlled, or compromised. It is life seeking to rearrange itself while dealing with death blows. Never mind the danger under the surface. It is writing its warrant in the mass of crashing events, topside. Let this be. Right now, you have something much more important to deal with. Your part in all of this is not to dive into the chaos, but to sort out the things that are yours. You might not appreciate the immensity of what you carry. However, this is really the main event of all events now exploding all around. Pull your attention away from the fray, and realize this: What you have to do has the potential to alter what lay beneath the surface of reality, and thereby change what accesses shared reality. What you do changes everything. You might think it a small thing, but many small things taken together can shift the whole world into a different, and better, frame of being.

MOST OMWARD DIRECTION: The Empress (reversed)

What happens when you draw your focus away from the hullabaloo can be nothing short of transformational. Are you ready for that kind of change, yourself? It’s time to seriously consider the ramifications such a choice carries. When you make the conscious decision to tend to the inordinate gifts that materialize from the chaotic white-canvas field of baseline reality, you discover key geometries that avail themselves redesigning your very self-comprehension. What the child sees in your heart may surprise you, but if you truly see a thing for what it is, that very thing becomes another step in the ladder of rising into your full potential. Use the creative gift that your deep child-self remembers, no matter how out of keeping with propriety, no matter how embarrassingly insecure its origin. Fluid grace emerges from the tumult of redefinition. You already know the secret which grants this equanimity. You will own it fully when you master the art of making distraction a tool for your mind to conquer chaos. Expand your vision to encompass all that you are without the limitations you have been accustomed to define yourself by. At the same time, release the sense of space from which all that is is made manifest. In finding a balance between what has been and what can be, you find yourself. As you do, naturally, a halo of self-reflected divine awareness makes itself known. Let your awareness settle there, and appreciate your own presence as an embodied force of love.


“Chaos is the unexpected, the surprising, the irrational. It often appears as a disaster, but also appears as a blessing. The birth of a child, for example, or the end of a life. Either can be seen as a disaster or a blessing. Both cause some amount of habitual breakdowns, the dissolution of a reality and the introduction of another. Neither normal nor chaotic is better than the other, as they exist as two poles connected by love. Love is the balancing point between extremes of either order or chaos. It is the crux of sanity.”

— An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.


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