Division by One
Summary: Do you sense the immanence of something potent hovering just at the edge of the timeframe you currently occupy? While it may seem that an incursion of some sort is about to pierce your bubble, gather your senses and soften your gaze. Doing so won’t weaken your defenses. What you sense is more in your own hands than you might think. By opening the tiniest bit, you can receive a critical thunderbolt of cosmic proportions. Your higher knowing is well aware of your circumstances. Your inner faculties of wisdom and strength, far from being ruthless, are prepared to administer a blast of light that may shatter a comfortable situation but will not utterly destroy you. A little bit of space grants a whole new dimension of understanding. The time is coming to release the light you hold. Acknowledge your feelings about who you are, and know that what is to be revealed by your own hand shifts promise closer to tangible reality.
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King of Swords (reversed) — The Lovers (reversed) — Two of Cups (reversed)
The time is coming to release the light you hold. What is to be revealed by your own hand shifts promise closer to tangible reality. #pleiadian #releasetheprogram #ninespath Share on X
FOUNDATION: King of Swords (reversed)
Strengthen your position in regard to what you have to say by remaining stoic. Right now, you have more power in silent observation, patient contemplation, than you do in decisive declarations about the way things are, or how they ought to be. You are being called upon to deliver a surgical strike, one that severs the nonsense from the sense, the illusion from the truth beneath and behind it. Movement into that now will waver. You can’t afford to misapply your effectiveness. More than you can yet see rides on the efficacy of your next move. Everywhere, this is in the air; the subtle senses will pick it up, while the gross ego will likely miss it. Have you sated your ego-self with assurances that it will feast upon its own remains in the time that lay on the other side of a shining moment? Arguments aside, it can be a tricky conversation to have with oneself. Listen. There is nothing that you can do now that will magnify the satisfaction you are set to enjoy. Your best action now is steady, solid presence. Extraneous shows of knowledge and might are only going to pull you out of a right road of true authority, strength, and fortitude. You can’t afford to lose even a bit of that, so deny yourself any indulgence in distractions that draw from you your integrating factors of wisdom, power, vision, and truth. Somewhere at the base level, the core trait that binds these into unified presence is love. You’re about to find out how brilliant love’s austere face can be. Settle into place, and ready yourself.
LODESTONE: The Lovers (reversed)
You might not think that love can hold even more secrets. Dare you dive into the yet-undiscovered space where more of its treasure waits to be found? Honor the feelings that arise as you consider the implications of this. Look at your reflection as you move in tandem with another in a shared space of encounter, be that by will or by chance. Were you aware of what you have carried on your own countenance, how you bear your personal power, how you react in the face of another’s inconsolable need to know love? At the fundamental level of all things is the desire for recognition. How easy it is to relinquish the capacity to recognize in oneself the attributes sought, admired, celebrated in another. Here lay the mystery of One. Within the higher realms of being, there is no Other, but within the distillation of sound and light, the reflection of self takes on appearances at odds with reconciliation. Your higher nature, that guiding aspect of Self, lingers at the edge of material reality, perhaps, but the focused influx of love it offers never ceases to flow. Capture it, and know that what it portends serves to cleave what has not yet learned to stand in its own merit from that to which it clings in fear. See the fear for what it is, however it reveals itself, and call it by name, that it too can be recognized. The time has come for the being to grow. The single encapsulation of love of other must eventually become love of self. Separation presents an odd paradox, then, but farewells have a surprise of their own to give.
MOST OMWARD DIRECTION: Two of Cups (reversed)
Forces beyond the willing control of mind follow a course set by an intelligence immense and incomprehensible. That is, when clinging to truths, half-truths, and lies has skewered your vision to the point that you can’t see what’s right in front of you. How well you trust the action that seems to divide you from yourself will determine how gracefully your vision adjusts to an altered space of interiorized comprehension. A codependent habit of heart can disguise itself when proximity blurs the edges. Actualized fragments of oversoul, too closely bound to another, can easily slip into hazy relinquishment of selfhood. In a nebulous environment where the light of truth becomes diffused through particulate screens of illusory projection, finding something solid to believe in can help you feel like you’re not getting lost. Acknowledge that, but also dare to avail yourself to what seeks to penetrate into your comfortable space of self-knowing. Severed from identification with what is not one’s own self, you can better register the reflection as another expression of self. Reality’s incursion into your knowing may seem to divide you from the love you identify with. In truth, it gives you more space in which to fully appreciate the treasure that had been hidden. The pain of separation, whether it is from another or from your own tightly-held ideals, will dissipate in the revelation that follows. Give yourself the space to find your balance so that you can cradle the nascent light unveiling.
“You are eternal and imaginary, you are nothing and everything, you are what has not yet become and you are the knower of all which is knowable, the creator of all that is creatable, and the be-er of all possibility. In fact, there is nothing that you are not. There is nothing that you have not been, and nothing that you cannot yet be.”
— An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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