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Face Facts

Face Facts

Summary: Having emerged into individuated expression of selfhood, move further now, into coherence. Timestreams seek synthesis. Find the axis around which you substantiate yourself; put your attention there. With innate wisdom unhindered by distractions, slice through the screen of illusion. What comes into view takes on the business of shattering what is left of the mask. The reality behind the simulacrum communicates a lineage defined by love and wisdom. All
Quake, Quiver, and Quarter the Verse

Quake, Quiver, and Quarter the Verse

Summary: The turning wheel of time clicks into place, revealing the full form of the secret-sharers and speakers of truth. Nothing can pause its inevitable circuit, nor mask the volition of light that beams forth as all the pieces lock in agreement, opening wide the portal of truth. The dance dissolves. Where you are as the strobe flares into full illumination unmasks all intent. Immobile, manipulation of reality upended, heart


Summary: A crack in the glass that had reflected what was to be reveals what had always been in the space beyond the picture. Representations of undeniable forces of nature present themselves as truthtellers of the eternal balance of being, the fundamental pillars that hold the space for the world to emerge from captivity. An ancient framework is pulled back and the movement is given access to Now. Carefully laid
The Answer Arrives

The Answer Arrives

Summary: The world is about to change; of that there is no doubt. What has been hidden within the edifice of an ego planetary in nature now breaks free in a revelation of sovereign purpose. There's no holding back what has reached critical mass. Whole orbits shift with the immensity of release. Around the space of understanding, Nature raises the framework of an invitation to join as an integrated whole.
You Choose What’s Next

You Choose What’s Next

Summary: Ego fights with fate, as the moment of final choice comes near. At the edge of competing elemental forces, the mind rests in a knot of an incomprehensible dichotomy. Is it too much to see what lay beyond, as change sweeps over the edge of the solid ground of awareness? Turn inward to the light you have been assimilating. Summon the audacity to see things as they are. You might
On the Move

On the Move

If you're looking for the cards for Thursday, please know that the schedule is shifting. The source of the transmissions, the League of Light, has indicated there will be a shift in focus to their Direct Messages (LOL DMs), which you can find on the main Nine's Path website. In fact, there's a new message up later today, "Raw Power Moves Now." For the time being, I'll still be posting
Given the Option, Take It

Given the Option, Take It

Considering all the arrangements being made, signals slipped through cracks in awareness, overtures being made in a groping manner toward the treasure you have held in trust for eons, is it any wonder that you feel like taking a step or two back right now? Despite all this, you have one thing firmly in hand, or ought to. Your self-worth has never been at such a high. If you're not
Comes Now the Person

Comes Now the Person

Summary: As much as you'd like to say you've always known where you were going, at best it may be that you've been going on faith into the unknown. Magnificent in your promise, life endowed you with vision and power. How well have you nourished this seed of self? Given the intractable landscape and the effort required to dig into the rich substrate from which to draw the stuff of life's

Explore More

Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.

March 2025
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