On the Move
If you're looking for the cards for Thursday, please know that the schedule is shifting. The source of the transmissions, the League of Light, has indicated there will be a shift in focus to their Direct Messages (LOL DMs), which you can find on the main Nine's Path website. In fact, there's a new message up later today, "Raw Power Moves Now." For the time being, I'll still be posting

Given the Option, Take It
Considering all the arrangements being made, signals slipped through cracks in awareness, overtures being made in a groping manner toward the treasure you have held in trust for eons, is it any wonder that you feel like taking a step or two back right now? Despite all this, you have one thing firmly in hand, or ought to. Your self-worth has never been at such a high. If you're not
Explore More
Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.