Lose the Loss
Tap, tap, tap… How desolate the future can appear, at odd moments when your awareness slows in the cold and barren outer districts of reality. Succumbing to the freezing fields of mind bereft of light might actually feel tempting, as if it at least is justifying a reason for going on, even if it’s just to prove to yourself through pain that you’re still alive. Poverty, in its many clever disguises, dances with an allure that titillates the ego. However, there’s something tapping on your shoulder just now. While you enjoy the show, patiently in the background are figures of power and glory, waiting for you to be ready to take in the full essence of your true power. Take your time, feel as much as you need to feel, but sooner or later, you might want to warm yourself by your own inner flames.
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“Doom and gloom” is a catchy little phrase, isn’t it? Constant repetition ingrains it in the mind, until it forms the fundamental rhythm of a hypnotically mesmerizing dance. It attempts to delight the eyes with flamboyant issuances of cataclysmic spectacle. One can hardly catch a breath between one show of degradation and another of disaster. However, if you can release yourself for the tiniest moment from the dark and stormy tale being spun into a web of intrigue before you, you might be able to breathe with a little more depth. That, in turn, might trigger a general cascade of relaxation, unleashing a torrent of pent-up chemicals of innate healing and wholeness-making engineered by your trusty brain and its concomitant systems of homeostasis. Dare you tear your eyes away? Might everything crash in utter disrepair if you remove the support of your attention from it? Maybe. Now that would be something to see!
Turning your attention away from the picture of despair is the first step in turning around altogether. For all you know, right behind you is a warm light and a source of open empowerment. Look just over your shoulder, not in regret, but in remembrance of the promise of your potential and your path. You can’t really be blamed for buying into the show; after all, it’s a real blockbuster designed to capture your attention. If you ask yourself that dangerous first question, “For what purpose?”, you’ll be well on your way toward a series of clues by which you can resolve the mimicry of historical debacle after historical debacle. With that, you begin to find your freedom. At first, that might not feel like a good move. You might be comfortable in your discomfort. But give it a try. Stop entertaining yourself with the learned script of failure, disappointment, and loss even if it’s just to test the theory. Dare yourself.
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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Love this thank you!!! I truly needed this today and it has inspired me to change my perception. Thank you for your guidance and please keep up your support. We all need encouragement sometimes. Much love💗