Ideas of Code Reframe Everything
Summary: Right now, the undercurrent is raising a sense of hesitation on all sides of the matter. The basic code of reality is about to reveal a secret, a surprise, and change the story completely. There’s no way to control the code at its most basic, fundamental operation. The binary of 0 and 1 is about to yield something altogether new. Are you ready for that? Now is not a time to doubt yourself, but if you are, take a breath and get a grip on yourself.
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The Fool (reversed) — The Magician (reversed) — Page of Cups
The binary of 0 and 1 is about to yield something altogether new. Are you ready for that? If you're in doubt, take a breath and get a grip on yourself. #pleiadian #tarot #realitycode Share on X
FOUNDATION: The Fool (reversed)
Are you feeling hesitant? Second-guessing your decision to move in a certain direction, or the wisdom in doing so? Perhaps it’s best not to take chances right now, perhaps it’s better to stay right where you are. You certainly wouldn’t want to be caught doing anything… silly. While you might not know exactly to the minute detail what you’re getting yourself into, expending your precious mind on worries won’t serve any purpose right now. Doubt only complicates things unnecessarily. Do a reality check while you have yet to put your foot down. Do you have everything you need? Are you sensing the lack of something you can’t quite identify? Take a look at the reality behind thoughts such as these, and others which you feel are putting up some resistance, however you perceive it. Set aside what need you feel to control outcomes and passages. Trust the way forward to show you how to go. Maintaining a lighthearted attitude is going to give you the grace you need. Nothing else is needed. Everything else is provided.
LODESTONE: The Magician (reversed)
You’re exploring the codes of reality creation right now, and that’s exactly the thing to do. It’s a good time to understand what you’re doing, before raising your all-powerful hand and deeming it to be so done. Consider the undertaking, and the effect your prowess as a creative force is going to have on the face of the world. You will certainly make a difference, even if you feel insignificant at this moment. Look at what you’re doing. Get real and take stock of your tools and your intent. The struggle may be real, but it’s not going to disappear if you tussle with it. Put down the thing you’re holding onto right now and don’t pick it up until you’ve had a moment to clear your head and heart about why you chose it in the first place. There may be a better way to go about your goal than you think. The code you’re exploring can reveal the way. Look for synchronicities and meaning, be open to revelation, and set your intention accordingly.
You won’t believe what happens next if you were told in clear black and white letters towering over your head. You won’t know it, either, until it comes. The little surprises that pop up for you are harbingers of a massive change that’s taking place in the background of reality, unstoppable, unavoidable, and complete. Don’t worry, though. If you’ve been diligent at doing your work, diving into your heartspace and rooting out the roots of all evil therein, you’ve doubtless paved the way for some delightful if unexpected discoveries. News is coming. The old ways are being challenged, as they always are, as natural cycles come again to wash clean the doors of perception. Is it really necessary to be open to such change? Truly, it’s the only way to see how the truths remain. Pay attention to the one who sorts out the code. There’s a key to understanding, but it probably isn’t what you suspect.
“Light is a pen, ruler, and compass drawing reality according to your codes of manifestation. Apparitions neither alive nor dead roam your mind, suggesting one or another activation of the codes. Each time you respond to Nine’s high rate of vibration, your codes activate in the precise order of natural divinity and you, as a result, become more able to Nine yourself, ascending past outdated, lack-oriented realities.”
— An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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