Come to Terms with Yourself
Ready to move?… With everything that’s up in the air, it seems that you have come to a point of actually making a decision. Or you would, if you could concentrate on forming it exactly as you’d like. For all the time that you’ve spent preparing yourself for this move you feel surging below the surface of your life, you have to sit back for a minute. Feel what’s going on in your mind. Come into the sacred space of your heart as you do, and honor that space as the origin of wisdom. At the very least, honor it as the space in which you connect to a higher wisdom than what is found in the mind alone. There, as you relax into a space you carve out for yourself amid all the goings-on around you, you can be alone with your truth. It’s vitally important that you be comfortable with that before embarking on anything, and the thing that’s breaking on the shore of your awareness is nothing less than a shift of knowing who you are.
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Within the moment of pause you create, you can reach into the depths of self-knowing. How to create that pause is a matter of delineation, of setting boundaries which speak of respect and intuitive awareness of your conscious origins from within a texture of cosmic intelligence. You are part of I AM. You are this. Thus, you are free to be that which you feel is beckoning you to enter into a space of reconciliation and integrity. Now, more than ever, you have an opportunity to face what has been causing you confusion. You need not have all the answers in your hand. Indeed, this is not truly possible at this moment, for the flux is taking the central conceptual space around you. How can you find solid, clear answers when your experience is, to some extent, devoid of solidity, clarity? Your inner tuning holds the key. Go there and unlock that mystery to knowing.
While you have various opportunities at hand for how you enter into the next moment when it appears with welcome, for now you can stay in this still point and gather your intention. Do you really think you can do things on your own? Is it you having the answers that’s necessary for things to work well? Others have answers too, and you are only holding part of the picture. Wisdom comes from recognizing the truth in this, and from bearing your own light in honor of the light that others also bear. Enter into opalescence as you become more aware of the incoming energies. Sit in the knowing of your relationship to everything that has appeared in the landscape of your life, both inner and outer. What you have before you is going to be clear, in time; with the self-reflection on how you are part of a whole, you will remember the glory of being cosmically aware. Selfhood comes with honoring the Other.
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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