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Waves of Change, Goodbye, Hello

Summary: Oh, my goodness, what’s this happening now? Waves of change are crashing down and suddenly you’re not sure exactly what you’re feeling. The time has come to walk your talk, for asking and answering some deep questions and re-evaluating your relationship with wealth. Don’t you realize you already have it all?

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Page of Cups  — Page of Swords (reversed) — King of Pentacles (reversed)

Nine's Path weekly Pleiadian tarot channeled message, March 14 2019

As waves of change prepare to crash down on your head, you're better off trusting instinct than derivative thought. What is your soul telegraphing to you? #pleiadian #tarot #nine Share on X

Page of Cups

Have you ever felt like this before? Perhaps you’ve thought you knew what such a situation would feel like, if it ever occurred on your path. Now you have the realization, quite unexpectedly, and it wasn’t anything like what you thought it would be. In fact, you’re taking a whole new look at your range of feelings, and discovering some novel things about yourself, life, and reality in general. Things are rarely what they seem to be—never more clearly expressed than now, in your humble opinion. In fact, you’re even reassessing your opinion, in the face of what you now see. What relevance you hold to what is now emerging from the landscape of your deep understanding pales in comparison to the potential energy your heart holds for transformation. It really doesn’t matter what you think about things right now. Things are what they are. You do, however, have to deal with it. How are you going to do that? As the waves of change prepare to crash down on your head, you’re much better off trusting instinct than derivative thought. The deeper the instinct, and the closer to what your soul is telegraphing to you in this moment, the better. Say hello to change.

Page of Swords (reversed)

Things you never thought about are suddenly turning your world upside-down, and here you are thinking you can think your way out of something. Perhaps, but first you have to get your feet planted on the ground and walk your talk. Your words won’t count for much, otherwise. What’s becoming clear is that you’re not going to be able to simply get out of whatever is hanging over your head. You’re going to have to be methodical. Details are coming to light. Whatever your explanation is, you really have no choice but to be clear, take your time, and know that there’s no hiding the truth. Get behind your words, rather than throwing them out in front of you, hoping they’ll cover you. At the same time, stand by what you say. Patience is your ally as waves of change sweep through your personal reality. If that gets uncomfortable, know that the unraveling is necessary for you to ultimately be free of something you might not have realized was ensnaring you. This is a time of the ego getting stripped down to its bones. Take a step back, watch what you say, and be very much in line with the truth that’s being ferreted out. Seek reconciliation and mutual understanding. It’s time to deflate the rhetoric and get to the core issue.

King of Pentacles (reversed)

Fairy tales abound with stories of kings who valued their treasure so highly they lost the kingdom altogether. These are typically not the stories of wise leaders after whom you might model yourself, but the foolish kings who thought things would never shift fortune from their grasp. As certain as the turning tide, waves of change come to all. Wisdom dictates storing up your treasure where it cannot be lost, where market crashes won’t affect its value, where greedy fingers can’t lead to overstepping the boundaries of good sense and right action. Balance will be restored when your focus is realigned to bring the true measure of wealth into precise understanding. Your soul may be worth a pretty penny to a devil with his tail tucked neatly into his trousers, but when the reckoning comes—and it will—wouldn’t you be better off in possession of that precious commodity yourself? It’s yours. Claim it. If you feel like you’re losing your grip on your own golden inner light, it’s probably a good time to sit in a quiet corner and ask yourself some deep questions. The truth is, there’s no power outside of yourself that you can worship that’s as great as the divine connection within. Time to come to grips with that, and maybe loosen your hold on the coins (and the reasons you chase them). Things will start to make a lot more sense when you do.


“To call yourself ‘christed’ and ‘being’ does not break into a locked vault of light and steal away with a treasure that doesn’t already belong to you. To call yourself a christed being is to acknowledge your rare nature as a person who realizes that God resides within themselves, and that the soul faces facts about that, too.”

— An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity

© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted only with link to original post.

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