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Turn from Belief toward Knowing

Turn from Belief toward Knowing

Summary: Are you seeing that the truth has been turned on its head, that the knowingness you’ve been so sure of has slipped into emptiness as the wild storms of change have blown? Truths and deceits no longer can be hidden, least of all from yourself. It is time to step down from the certainty you have held, and rather hold tight to a growing awareness of knowing arising from the

A Simple Shift of Perspective

A Simple Shift of Perspective

Summary: Fast-paced though your desire to see thing change may be, you have got to learn the art of getting a grip in the centrifuge of total change. Stay focused and know you are following the right track, and find the truth of your being with the simple shift in perspective from looking at things happen to observing how things become. As you do, you can issue forth the light

Greet the Light of New Awakening

Greet the Light of New Awakening

Summary: Long has the world waited for the light to descend, and long have those who have carried the eternal flame of divine understanding journeyed through time. As new light breaks on the horizon, the time of bearing the light is coming to an end, and new souls arrive to lead humanity forward. Let the baptism be complete, and know that you are accompanied by great and powerful help from

Opening to a Temporal Shift

Opening to a Temporal Shift

Summary: Although the present moment may feel like dormancy and inaction, the fact is that you are in the process of preparation for a massive and intrinsic change. Keep your inner balance, and know that the moment for shifting is going to happen without effort, but with a grand and brilliant step forward into the new moment before you. When it arrives, pay attention to the inner promptings that arise

Turning Our Eyes to the Prize

Turning Our Eyes to the Prize

Tower — Ace of Cups (reversed) — Empress Summary: As the patriarchal system of social order erupts with the expansion of human consciousness, inner awareness discards outmoded ideas of sovereignty based on bloodline and lineage. You are encouraged to share the grace awareness has revealed to you with those ready to receive and awaken. With […]

Sovereign Awakening

Sovereign Awakening

Summary: As the patriarchal system of social order erupts with the expansion of human consciousness, inner awareness discards outmoded ideas of sovereignty based on bloodline and lineage. You are encouraged to share the grace awareness has revealed to you with those ready to receive and awaken. With the recognition of inner divinity, the nurturing aspect of the divine feminine emerges to give power to the new concept of humanity that

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March 2025
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