Comes the Inner Reckoning
Feeling the nitty gritty… For some time, you’ve been working according to a set of principles, disciplining yourself according to precision-oriented goals. Suddenly, what felt like breezing through the steeplechase has turned into mucking in soggy trails so obliterated by overuse there’s no direction to be found in them. You were perfectly willing to jump the hurdles on the way. Reasonable obstacles build agility in thought, word, and action. However, when abuse of power tilts the balance into an unfair advantage for the ones running the race, there’s bound to be a reckoning. The first reckoning is within. Sit down and take a long look at yourself. Have your recent thoughts, words, or actions robbed another of their natural power and grace? Have you raised the bar over which others, believing in your glow of authoritative command, are simply not equipped to clear? Or perhaps you’ve done this to yourself. Hm, there’s another perspective. Either way, it’s quite likely now that something is askew on the field of reason. However, you have the wherewithal to straighten that out, right?
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The natural flow requires investigation now. Somehow, authority has been turned on its head. Perhaps it is time for the Emperor to see things from a new perspective. Thus can the balance of power and wisdom become restored, and the flow of the vision become manifest. He still holds the unformed crystalline seed of a new world, so precious and so pure none dare to question its authenticity, nor the wisdom in carrying it with the utmost care and protection. He still holds the key gripped perhaps a little too tightly, for in the undercurrents of confusion lurks the possibility of losing sight of the keyhole. Now is a time to hold tight to the inner principles that have driven you forward thus far, to take a look at the situation from underneath, and in this way dispel illusion. As you approach the initiation into selfhood, you must trust yourself implicitly.
To get to the root of what matters now requires a willingness to examine what underlies your method. Confronting authority need not be an act of outright rebellion. The results can be just as earth-shattering, if not more so, by undermining an outworn mode of thinking how things get done through Socratic self-talk. Define your understanding of your ways and means of achieving a desired result. Detail what it is that makes you tick. Ask yourself what you mean by what you say, leaving no stone unturned and no thought unexamined. As you go through your day, pay attention to where your thoughts travel, and at each relay point, require deeper understanding of your motives, your methods, your mage-level ability. You cannot move forward without this crucial step backward, inward. Ignoring the mirror now is something your soul does not recommend.
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TY Maryann. As so often, a reading for me to take to heart. As I look… some thoughts/feelings. As we look beyond an ancient passion play ending…remove the blinders that were important for needed focus… new challenges call. In the deepest most profound fear [a few of those I call “the Great Ones” are speaking now about that profound fear, using the description “dread”], in the depth of dread there is a precious Love. And in that depth, touching that precious Love opens a gateway to that which is Beyond…beyond what we can imagine, perhaps beyond imagination. To the unfathomable.
There is a great difference I think between living with, doing, being caught in….versus Being Willing to…. In this case Being Willing to touch and be touched by dread. Not to live in or even with, not to get “lost” in, but to be Willing. For in the depth of that profound fear…is a precious precious Love. And that precious Love changes “dread”, transforms dread into something else [luminous hope enters in I think, not our hope, luminous hope, of the Goddess].
But if one has any kind of a-priori of being fearless or ending fear…that profound fear may never be touched, we may never be touched by….and miss that precious Love…which I think may well be a Gateway to our next More…that artificial acceleration available on this planet…the choice of initiation. An important, one important gateway, I think is:
Being Willing to…touch, to be touched…to not follow the natural inclination to pull away [initiation is an un-natural acceleration]…and in the depth of that profound fear, in the depth of dread the alchemy of the precious Love there and the luminous hope of the Goddess that is implicit in that precious Love, transforms dread into…and the gateway, that next More, opens.
Being Willing to embrace…dread.
>>raised the bar over which others, believing in your glow of authoritative command, are simply not equipped to clear? or perhaps you’ve done this to yourself?<<
A good valuable question.
I do not think so. Certainly Divine Discomfort called for….to be willimg to stay with that Divine Discomfort, until…..
If my thoughts/feelings here have merit.
What is happening here [it's ours to do now…humanities] has never happened this way on any other planet in this universe. I think this Being Willing to….is part of that. I think Terra's humanity, those who make that choice, are "up" to, are equipped to embrace that challenge…and that's it's good to speak to the highest common denominator.
PermalinkJust my thoughts; I've been wrong before 🙂 And I will certainly take this reading to heart and look deeper
much love Maryann and my dear friends.
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In one sense, then, it is choosing the opposite, or the counterpoint, of entropy. I so appreciate your deep readings, J. They help delineate the gateway of understanding for many, I think.
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It’s 1:30 AM Maryann; couldn’t sleep. needed to look deeper.
>>As you approach the initiation into selfhood, you must trust yourself implicitly.<> to take a look at the situation from underneath, and in this way dispel illusion. <require deeper understanding of your motives, your methods, your mage-level ability<< And to examine the purity of my intent…I got a bit "upside down" perhaps other's who hold the key have as well [universal/personal] and this reading especially is one to take to heart. Muchas gracias.
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posting again, reply got caught off:
PermalinkAs you approach the initiation into selfhood, you must trust yourself implicitly.<> to take a look at the situation from underneath, and in this way dispel illusion. <require deeper understanding of your motives, your methods, your mage-level ability<< And to examine the purity of my intent…I got a bit "upside down" perhaps other's who hold the key have as well [universal/personal] and this reading especially is one to take to heart.