Feel Your Strength
Feeling disempowered? Relax, and wait, and remember what strength there is in learning to become patient. While on one hand, waiting is draining, on the other hand, you can control what is drained. Instead of feeling your power wane, let go of those thoughts and mental images that weaken you in any way. Choose to focus on what nourishes your spirit, and let go of the arguments and sensory assaults that divide you from yourself.
If you’re tired of waiting for your time of empowerment to come, remember: Your strength is waiting for you, as well. How patient must the spirit be, to watch and wait as we grapple with experience after experience. Are you using your interactions and inner conflicts to expand? How can your strength of spirit fill you when you are contracted? Thus, now is the time to shutter your senses for a moment from the onslaught of energies aimed at diminishing you for whatever reason. Get in touch with the fullness of your spirit. Can you feel how much power you have, and how much love?
This is the time to come to terms with your potential. What arises requires you to remember the limitlessness of your essential being. How big your strength is depends on how big your heart is, and how connected with the infinite truth of being is your mind. Inhale, and accept what you are becoming. Recognize the beauty and magnificence of your spirit.
Strength (reversed)
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