A Bold Arrival of Golden Light
Summary: This turn of the calendar page marks the bold arrival of new energies manifesting in your world. You hold the beginnings of something grand, and when the dust settles, you’ll be in clear view of a brilliant new source of light and life. Where you felt its recent promise, you now can feel it multiplied, and yourself moving boldly forward, fully energized. Remember those who accompany you and stay grounded in your task, mindful of what you’re doing, and ready for those things that are in the background waiting to become your next undertaking. Be in the flow of giving and receiving, with gratitude and joy exchanged along with whatever tokens of benevolence find you. What lay ahead need not be struggle or separation, but a time of coming together with the joyful manifestation of love itself. Welcome it, share it, and participate.
Ace of Rods — Six of Rods — Six of Pentacles
You’re ready to stand on your own. Everything that you’ve been nurturing within yourself, all the discipline and data and dreams with which you’ve fed your expansive nature these past months especially (but really for lifetimes) is coming to blossom now. Can you feel it stirring within you? You know there is no holding you back. You’re ready for your bold arrival onto the stage of a greater, broader, more wide-open period of wakefulness. The dark shadows have shrunk back, collapsing onto themselves in the receding distance, further away from the space you’ve cleared around you. In the backdrop, an interplay of forces dances in illuminating splendor, marking your bold entrance with the understated drama that the moment calls for. What has erupted cannot be held back. What has been destroyed will give fertile ground for something yet to establish itself, but the cleansing has been necessary. You may see the promise of this now, if you look with a singular eye. The final cork has yet to pop. The main thing, right now, is to focus on what’s happening within yourself, what you see directly in front of you. Be mindful of the rumblings in the distance, but know that you will, as does hope, spring eternal. Be rooted in your own grounding, and let the living love inside of you unfurl.
LODESTONE: Six of Rods
If you’ve stayed true to yourself and maintained your focus, as you may have been feeling was the wise thing to do, you could well feel that you have more resources and energy now. The light you felt beginning to warm your face is now in full glory, a fitting frame for how you’re feeling after the kind of growth you’ve just witnessed in yourself. Are you busier than you have been in a while? Are you more committed to the projects and ideas you’ve been carrying? It’s not surprising, as the magnification in triplicate of energies is precipitating down through the layers of reality into your lap. Enjoy being in the midst of a lot of hustle and bustle, and keep moving forward. You are helping others with less get-up-and-go to get up and go. One thing at a time, however, is something to keep in mind. While you’re busy carrying a lot of things from the realm of ideation into beingness, connect your whole mind with whatever is your task at hand. There’s more coming, but you can handle it. You’re well attended and the light shows no signs of letting you down. Your bold arrival into the future is happening now. Go ahead, be brilliant, but stay connected, grounded, and real.
If you find yourself in a spot where you could use a helping hand, know that there are kind souls ready to share. The time ahead is one of finding balance, not with cutting into separate-but-equal, but in joyful knowing that the abundance that you see is trickling through from a vast and radiant domain of well-being. Let kindness flow, and gratitude. Give where you can and receive in open-hearted appreciation for recognizing love in unexpected places. The song of thanks that rises from a grateful heart shifts any scenery into rich, joy-filled vitality. Watch what’s behind the machinery, be it spiritual or worldly in nature. A true connection will lift your eyes to the light, the source of joy. Despite what you’ve been through, and despite what may come, you are guarded, provided for, and kept in the benevolent flow of love-made-real. Trust that all is in balance, and participate.