Inner Compass Is Fully Operational
Summary: At certain points in life’s wanderings, someone will show up in some form to remind you how special you are, how powerful, how divine. Remember, now, something that you discovered about yourself, from within yourself, that manifested as awareness of a stronger, brighter inner light. No matter how strange the moment feels, remember this, and trust that something extraordinary is happening. You are asked to choose and to trust, so remembrance is vital. Soon enough, you’ll find yourself on calmer footing, full of enthusiasm and direct access to higher guidance. Listen for the echo and go in that direction.
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Queen of Cups — Two of Pentacles (reversed) — Page of Rods
You've been making some headway in regard to what's going on in your head. Reconnect to a lesson you received from the hands of a trusted teacher. Listen. #pleiadian #tarot #reinventyourself Share on X
FOUNDATION: Queen of Cups
Perhaps you find your thoughts are resting on a particular period of your life when you discovered some secret inside yourself that changed everything. It’s likely that you came to this realization by way of helping hands, teachings either from a special person or a sacred-to-you book. Even if it’s something you own totally yourself, such an epiphany typically has ties to some aspect of self which is connected through time and space to an entity that watches over your development as a human being. Remembrance of such a one’s nurturance is well anchored now, for it will lead your thoughts to that same well in which you found a treasure. Your heart bears much to your awareness right now, as you find sacred moments of reflection in which to revisit that space of mystery and light. Merely open your eyes and your heart to the secret chalice of timeless knowing, and you will remember something that may again prove fundamentally transformative. Change is in the air, and while you’ve just come through a period where calming into that space of quietude has required some effort, in truth you’re at a level of mastery in which you can acknowledge both your natural grace within the matrix of endeavor and your stable groundedness within the ebb and flow of experience. Realize what you hold. Acknowledge your inner self’s timelessness.
LODESTONE: Two of Pentacles (reversed)
You’ve been making some headway in regard to what’s going on in your head and managed to dwindle your worries down to just a few. Let them be, and don’t worry about how fairly unwieldy they appear to be. They’re not in your hands anymore. If that triggers some anxiety about losing your grip, tilt your thoughts in the direction of past lessons learned in stress management. You’ve experienced much on your way to this moment now, which seems somehow pivotal, perhaps even poignant. It’s not a time to lose yourself to whatever chaos is billowing in the back of your brain. Have you or have you not reached higher ground? After all you’ve been through, most certainly the answer is yes, you have. However it may seem like that higher ground has the solidity of shifting sands, be fully present with what it truly represents. You are at a pinnacle moment now; your inner journey has reached a point at which you are asked to choose how you want to make the next phase of your life look. Before you do anything, go inside, travel back in time, and reconnect to a lesson you received from the hands of a trusted teacher. Someone, at some time, cared enough about your appearance in their world to be in service to your journey of becoming. Why was that? What did you have to offer to them? Perhaps you gave them an opportunity to choose how to be when an aspect of your reality challenged their own fundamental motivations. In gratitude, receive an echo, trust that unseen hands of a finer substance of creative inspiration are guiding yours, and let your thoughts and cares catch the wind of change. Time to move into the future.
Rejuvenated, you rise. You may not have much of a plan, but you have and idea, a starting point, and boundless good intention coupled with energy. If you don’t yet feel this, know that it’s there for you to step into. Let your inner compass direct you to that light-filled space where the answer of time’s wisdom is best received. The beacon of hope, enmeshed in whatever kind of protocol of communication you managed to wrap it in, is bringing a signal back to you. You won’t find it from where you feel a little stuck, directionless, or dizzy. Don’t worry, the vertigo will dissipate as soon as you anchor yourself anew. That beacon is telling you something and inviting a conversation. A story you started writing some time ago is ready for the next episode to be written. As your creative juices come together, let yourself feel. Feel the enthusiasm, the giddiness, the manifest light coursing within your veins. You have what it takes to get through the next set of circumstances that lay ahead. If you feel not quite up to the task, don’t worry. You aren’t unprepared. In fact, you’re at a perfect stage of inspiration-come-intention to have what it takes to succeed. However, as this is new territory and your strategy is largely up in the air right now, be aware of the guiding, steadying hand of a guide, however that appears. Keep the lines of higher communication open and active.
“The rules for your planet are simple. We cannot intervene in your world’s development other than to answer your call for help and guidance or to prevent the catastrophic destruction of the planet as a whole. Further, we are permitted to be present as guides, teachers, guardians, and in special cases, avatars and saints of various kinds.”
— An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity
© Maryann Rada, all rights reserved. Repost permitted with link to original post.
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