Paradise Is Not Lost
Summary: Are you able to let go of loss? What has been lost cannot be regained, yet it is not the end of the world. If you can bridge from one reality to another by holding on to your inner truth, by feeling your humanity, you can find the way to a brighter world. Secrets hidden in ancient wisdom live within you. The code of humanity, fashioned of love, is indestructible. Though there has been some loss, yet the treasure lives on in a people attuned to love. This week, it presents itself unmistakably. Allow it to merge human hearts into one love, for now the time has come to recognize our common source and coming light.
Five of Cups (reversed) — Ten of Pentacles — Ace of Cups
FOUNDATION: Five of Cups (reversed)
Blood has been spilled. Another thing has happened up upset the peaceful landscape of mind. Something precious has been lost, something fundamental to the “proper” working of the world. Now, everything is upside-down… again. This is not the first time it’s happened, and the collective damage is amassing. If you feel disturbed, you are witness to the outpourings of the heart and having a very human response. If you feel thoughtful, seeing what has transpired from a higher perspective, then you have probably plumbed the depths of understanding. All is not lost, yet. Guard well the treasures of your humanity. Perhaps it is time to turn away from the horror of what you have seen. You have almost emerged through the initiation into full awareness, and the promise of a new kingdom is at hand. Balance what you hold in your heart with your ability to manifest with your mind.
LODESTONE: Ten of Pentacles
What you have in every atom of your being is the magic of manifestation. The ability to bring into being is a trait not only of sorcerers or saints, but a fundamental birthright of being human. You are part of a lineage of noble genetics, and now is the time to look into the past and reconnect with the “magic” of ancient days. The blood that flows in your veins shimmers with the magic of a golden age, the codes yet present from generation to generation. In this is the true treasure of civilization, and from this is a new era brought forth. Look to the wisdom of the ages, look with love and reverence, and bend the neck in humility. This is not a time to look outwardly for your golden age to come, but to look into who you are as a people. The golden age already exists at the edges of your reality. Honor where you are sourced and you will bring the golden age more prominently into your world.
Nascent yet fully formed, your treasure rises from the depths of consciousness to present itself as Love. Let it overflow, and mysteries will reveal themselves from the deep unformed currents of being. You have within you the very substance of love. If you allow yourself to accept that, you will find the divine light undeniably suffusing everything, changing everything. Drink deep from the cup of love that is presented to you this week, seeing that it originates in universal consciousness and has formed itself in the likeness of you. Feel fully aware that it is your heart which signals the shift of awareness. It is time to see that there is but one cup, one love, one human heart. Higher realms of wisdom witness now.
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So beautiful your words flowed across eons of time to present a memory of what I know to be true…creating a beautiful image that allowed for instant access to ancient memory of what was promised…just like the rainbow that represents the Divine pledge that we would never be forsaken…
PermalinkMaryann you are timely, on time, because the time is NOW Thank you for bringing clarity and hope x