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Review, Release into a Higher Vibration

Summary: A higher perspective has given you insight. As you journey on, take time to appreciate where you are now. Go on your way trusting your enlightened sensibilities, without worrying who’s following. Those who matter are with you. Meanwhile, what rises from the shadows, as your mind rests reflecting on your path, has come now to a point of final release. Let go, no matter what doubts you might have about your ability to withstand the pain of transformation. Ahead lay promise, wholeness, and rejuvenation.

The Hermit — Ten of Swords (reversed) — Ten of Cups

nine's path pleiadian pleadian tarot weekly reading guidance channeled message

The mirror of divinity is ready to show you how magnificent you are. Take a few steps and dare to cross that new stream of thought. Release and move on. #pleiadian #tarot #nine Share on X


You’re doing well, taking a break and taking care of your needs. The journey of late has been a test of your mettle, and though you’re really no worse for the wear, you are in need of some time for yourself. Contemplation and reflection are the name of the game now. Far removed from the chaos of lower realms of human endeavor, you find yourself perched high above the shadows deep and dark. In fact, on looking back, it seems you’ve gained a handle on them. You can see them for what they are, shapes of ignorance and fear moving in the game of illusion. From your present position, it’s easy to shed the light of understanding. If you don’t have all the answers yet, don’t worry. You’ve got what you need to get you to the next phase of your journey. Step by masterful step, you have reached new heights. Do you think any will follow your lead? Surely that’s nothing to concern yourself with. At this pivotal point in your rejuvenated self-understanding, your focus is clear. Move forward steadily. Trust yourself and the circle of like minds traveling with you. The support you have now is grounded deep into your destiny. This new direction you’re heading in is a good one. Take your time.

LODESTONE: Ten of Swords (reversed)

Within the pivot point of this moment of reflection, as you peer into the shadows of time and experience, you may discover something that you’ve not yet fully released. Thoughts can stick like swords in the dark corners of your subconscious, revealing themselves in dreams of dark design. Perhaps you’ve discovered a new train of thought that has you looking at things in a whole new way. Is that bringing up some patterns of the past that you’d just as soon forget? Now is the time to use the energy of mastery that infuses you, with the full power of human transformation into integrated wholeness, empowerment, and understanding. The vestiges of an old train of thought lay derailed and dormant. Let go of injury, forgive the injustice, and move into full reclamation of your path. You still have a journey to take. Letting go of what you’ve forgotten and picking yourself up may involve looking at something painful, but it’s the only way past what otherwise appears as the end of the road. What habits are holding you back? How is your thinking ready for rejuvenation? The seeds of a new conceptual paradigm are just about in your hands. Dig, then plant. Growth in a new direction is guaranteed.


Heaven is ready to pour out the secrets of happiness. Are you ready to receive that? It’s a lot to ask of yourself, especially after seeing so much heartache. Turn your head in a new direction now, and prepare for the good things that are to come. Universal energy is manufacturing some gifts to dole out over the full spectrum of human experience. Release, relief, respite, and rejuvenation are but some of the secrets to greet you soon. Rest in knowing that you’ll have what you need, that the family of human heart-centered lovingkindness has not disappeared and in fact is all around you. Take a look around in the days to come and see what’s hiding playfully just where you hadn’t thought to look. Reach for your joy. Welcome new love, new understanding in the form of a more integrated experience within yourself. The mirror of divinity is ready to show you how magnificent you are. Take a few steps and dare to cross that new stream of thought. Whatever it is you have yet to discover by crossing the boundary of belief, know that it’s leading you home.


An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity, for this week:

“Your personal matrix undergoes structural alteration every time you graduate into a higher-vibrating level of being. To linger over-long on any level allows the rigidity of habit to settle and makes releasing and renewing a little more difficult. Vibration itself, introduced into the matrix of being at just the moment of transformation, can shatter old patterns and mold a framework into being along energetic lines of greatest cooperation between the moving point of awareness along waveforms of sound. To the extent that any form of consciousness exhibits an affinity for particular outcomes of the energetic patterns set into motion by the generative impulses of thought shaped by belief, attachment, and desire, conscious awareness brings into being particular situations, relationships, and other details of reality to affirm to the core awareness the matter of intent. Thus does a being become aware, through mastery of creation of its own reality, its own life, its own awareness of self as divine emanation, as divine source itself experiencing life.”

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