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You Know Who You Are

Summary: A new perspective gives you a new understanding of yourself. As the release completes, you own the experience and rise with faith to the call of higher light. You know who you are within the moment of challenge, and you carve your space of authority with true empowerment and enthusiasm. Trust the flow, find the balance point, and recognize yourself within the spectrum of generous giving and grateful receiving.

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The Star  — Seven of Rods — Six of Pentacles

nine's path pleiadian tarot pleadian weekly

You know who you are, yes. With perseverance, you'll soon be finding out who you are becoming. Stay balanced within the flow, and see what happens next. #pleiadian #tarot #nine Share on X


Rising from the space of destruction, hope holds life without trying to grip, control, or measure. Beaming light guides the mind to higher ground while the floodwaters of sweeping change recede under a calm vault of sky, unmistakable in its call, undeniable in its connection to your core. Rise now, letting yourself feel the sure release of what remains of a melting glacier of stuck potential. What has already been let surge has done its work of streamlining the terrain. Placidity is attainable in this moment of reflection on all that has survived, the edifice of promise that has been fashioned by the architect of fate, Time. You have reached the headwaters where the essential meaning of your trek springs alive; bathe in the fascination of having found that place where you have always known yourself to be fully understood. You know who you are. You are recognized, you are becoming the one you have come into this world to be, and you are exactly aligned with the perfection of the geometry of intelligent cosmic awareness. Resonate.

LODESTONE: Seven of Rods

Having worked your way to the present pinnacle of your climb to self-expression and success is not without its challenges. You’ve met them well along your journey, and gained some grace of good humor. If there’s clamoring among detractors or other challenges to the authority you rightly feel within yourself, at least you know who you are. You stand tall in the face of external opposition. Really, what threat is present when you’ve conquered so many internal forces of doubt? Your self-confidence comes into contact with yet another rising potential problem. You’re balanced and barricaded against any opposition, latent or overt. What comes to poke at you now comes up from lower levels of interactivity of mind, likely tentacles of Nemesis finalizing your test of mettle. You’ve come to the point of having chosen to move yet higher. It’s time to claim your space. With clarity and purpose, you drive down the demons of doubt, and see that they’re showing you the line that shall not be crossed. Healthy boundaries on the one hand, and a goal to be reached on the other. You know who you are, yes. With perseverance, you’ll soon be finding out who you are becoming. It’s your choice how you greet the challenge now popping up to get your attention. A free flow of energy can easily give rise to enjoyment of the encounter. How do you feel about that?


Generosity of spirit is as much about giving as it is about receiving. To really do it right, you have to be on both ends of the exchange. In fact, when you can manage to balance it just right, you’ll find yourself in a comfortable if curious space of being both at once. Simultaneously aware of your wealth and your poverty, seek out that balance point, and profit well from what you discover about yourself. The perspective gained from choosing to position yourself thus may help you redefine who—and how—you understand yourself to be. A total redefinition of self from time to time is a healthy dose of realism, especially when you hold yourself between a loving equilibrium between gratitude and giving. The moment just ahead is one full of the promise inherent in the attitude of gratitude. It may well be that in giving yourself over to trusting the natural give-and-take of worldly material flow, you’ll find a whole new way of seeing things. That means a new way of seeing yourself. In the balance, all is well, or soon will be. Trust the flow.


An excerpt from Opalescence: The Pleiadian Renegade Guide to Divinity, for this week:

“Your perfection of being human and divine as a physicality on Earth raises your ascension to the level of Creator of Now and is achieved, conveniently enough, by accepting Now as it is and knowing it is good. Everything that arranges itself around that core stance drapes neatly and oh so beautifully around samples of correspondingly beautiful realities. By not remembering pieces of past pain, you remember imperfectly. However, by remembering pain gone on too long, you prevent perfection from underpinning your reality. By remembering you experienced pain, letting go and moving on into a new remembrance of self as rememberer of soul’s experience and dreamer of a new reality too wonderful for words, creating reality is as easy as falling off a log.”

Get into Opalescence

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