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Signal the Boss

Signal the Boss

When you set an intent, how much of your triangulation to reaching that desired outcome is based on wishful thinking, and how much on actually doing the math? You may have a very clear picture in your head about what you want to see in the real world. Set your vision accordingly, and you may find yourself pleased with the outcome. However, when there's so much in between you and


Summary: Feeling boxed in doesn't suit you at all. It can happen without you even noticing it. Even though you have a lot to be proud of, to allow what you've manufactured to continue to define your boundary is to deny your true calling. Already you feel the pull in a new direction. It's all set, ready for you to enter into and to take up the tools waiting for
Steady Your Inner Vision

Steady Your Inner Vision

Look, it's not what you've been thinking about that's the real problem. The way you go about trying to lessen the worry is having a counteractive effect. All you do, by counting and re-counting the basic problems and their possible solutions, is to box yourself into an untenable situation, with regard to your dear mind. The anxiety that's built into this or any transformational experience is to be expected. It's


Summary: Distilled and in your hands, the final stages of a mystery resolve into a rich remedial elixir. Pause in concert with the moment's critical space, assured that what needs to arrange itself molecularly within the core ideation will yield a pure essence, restorative and strong. Your cue, in a moment, draws you into the clearing amid ancient remains of outworn stories, illusions that give way to core truth. Don't


You've been given the time and space to do some deep digging. While dimensionality may have seemed to collapse around you, it is within you that you have discovered an expanded terrain. Having been given this, and a rustic set of tools with which to work it, have you taken full advantage of the situation? Behind you, the sun is setting on a period of time out of time. The
Will You?

Will You?

Summary: If you feel limited, perhaps you're merely obeying the limitations you've agreed to take on, or which, in response to the space you've felt was yours, you've wrought for yourself. No one can redefine those limits for you. Only you can free yourself from your mind. As soon as you do, you move into the space of sovereignty. Dare you? You know that once you do, nothing will be
Taking Root in Destiny

Taking Root in Destiny

It seems you've been waiting for a while. The sense of emergence that's been tickling your mind has yet to fully show itself. When it does, finally, you'll have the proof you've been waiting for, the confirmation you've staked your bets on, the truth you've believed in to the exclusion of fully embracing all others. The delicate dance of belief still has some things to teach you, it seems. Where
The Dam Breaks

The Dam Breaks

Summary: What is this power you hold in your hand? What have you to say about what you see, and how you see it? It is nothing less than the renewal of your mind in this moment, carving from the gloom a pathway for light to find you. Everything may seem in disarray, but that is merely the nature of change demonstrating to you the raw material available for you to

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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.

March 2025
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