Signal the Boss
When you set an intent, how much of your triangulation to reaching that desired outcome is based on wishful thinking, and how much on actually doing the math? You may have a very clear picture in your head about what you want to see in the real world. Set your vision accordingly, and you may find yourself pleased with the outcome. However, when there's so much in between you and

Steady Your Inner Vision
Look, it's not what you've been thinking about that's the real problem. The way you go about trying to lessen the worry is having a counteractive effect. All you do, by counting and re-counting the basic problems and their possible solutions, is to box yourself into an untenable situation, with regard to your dear mind. The anxiety that's built into this or any transformational experience is to be expected. It's

You've been given the time and space to do some deep digging. While dimensionality may have seemed to collapse around you, it is within you that you have discovered an expanded terrain. Having been given this, and a rustic set of tools with which to work it, have you taken full advantage of the situation? Behind you, the sun is setting on a period of time out of time. The

Taking Root in Destiny
It seems you've been waiting for a while. The sense of emergence that's been tickling your mind has yet to fully show itself. When it does, finally, you'll have the proof you've been waiting for, the confirmation you've staked your bets on, the truth you've believed in to the exclusion of fully embracing all others. The delicate dance of belief still has some things to teach you, it seems. Where
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