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Love Goes Just a Little Further

Love Goes Just a Little Further

Beneath feelings of self-incrimination that rise in the face you see in the mirror, can you find a spark of peace in the eyes that look back? What expression regards you, as you gaze in your reflection? Is there some hint of softness at the corner of the mouth, some slackening of the tension above the brow? Anything you can discern that speaks to acceptance now, take it as the
Come Home

Come Home

Summary: There's no way you can maintain your grip on yourself in conditions as they are. Your legitimacy itself threatens to undermine what had long been stable. Take account of your mind, your projections as well as what you have accepted as the status quo. While you don't want to necessarily be destructive, you see where instability can no longer hold the pattern. What's coming apart on the outside will cease
Play the Last Card Well

Play the Last Card Well

Look into your heart. What do you see? Can you bear to pause on the reflection, to allow the ripples to still themselves within the boundaries of your gaze? Let the movement come to a point of peace, if you can, by stilling your mind, even if that is for a brief moment. One moment at a time, you can come into a deeper appreciation for what you behold. One
It All Falls Down

It All Falls Down

Summary: Sitting pretty in the catbird seat isn't all it's cracked up to be, once the unseen settles in your lap. Your innate power, elegance, and panache is evident; it cannot be argued but that you have what it takes to become the embodiment of a natural abundance of spirit in the real world. However, as more of the whole truth becomes known, your firm grip on what you know as
Give Yourself the Upper Hand

Give Yourself the Upper Hand

You can do exactly what it is you need to do, what you are here to do, with little to pull your will off-track. In fact, there is nothing left in the external world that can give you the kind of concern that will keep you from moving through to completion what you have started. The current task is one that began eons ago, and has reached a point of


Summary: The dark night of the soul is soon to be merely the vestiges of a bad dream. Having moved your awareness inward, you have also gained access to its expansion, and with it, your power to wield your thoughts as you will. Perhaps this is unexpected. Certainly it changes things. Allow the burgeoning release of your inner knowing, for it reveals what had been hidden in plain sight. You can
Step Lightly

Step Lightly

At the edge of a cliff, do you feel more poised or more precarious? Though you can't see where your next step might in fact land, yet there is an unremitting call to move forward. You are not alone in this. The call you sense is real, as real as any other signal that's crossing your sensory screen. In fact, it's probably a lot more real than most of what
This Is the Beginning

This Is the Beginning

Summary: You've got the raw truth gleaming like a polished sword, ready to cut through ignorance and mayhem and come-what-may. This is to your merit, yet what is happening inside your mind is the first order of the day. Instinct will carry you without your thoughtful goading for it to follow a path of your design. Let what is happening situate you where you can appreciate in full what's happening.

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March 2025
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