Love Goes Just a Little Further
Beneath feelings of self-incrimination that rise in the face you see in the mirror, can you find a spark of peace in the eyes that look back? What expression regards you, as you gaze in your reflection? Is there some hint of softness at the corner of the mouth, some slackening of the tension above the brow? Anything you can discern that speaks to acceptance now, take it as the

Play the Last Card Well
Look into your heart. What do you see? Can you bear to pause on the reflection, to allow the ripples to still themselves within the boundaries of your gaze? Let the movement come to a point of peace, if you can, by stilling your mind, even if that is for a brief moment. One moment at a time, you can come into a deeper appreciation for what you behold. One

Give Yourself the Upper Hand
You can do exactly what it is you need to do, what you are here to do, with little to pull your will off-track. In fact, there is nothing left in the external world that can give you the kind of concern that will keep you from moving through to completion what you have started. The current task is one that began eons ago, and has reached a point of

Step Lightly
At the edge of a cliff, do you feel more poised or more precarious? Though you can't see where your next step might in fact land, yet there is an unremitting call to move forward. You are not alone in this. The call you sense is real, as real as any other signal that's crossing your sensory screen. In fact, it's probably a lot more real than most of what
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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.