Raise Your Light
Of all the heavy weight you've carried, some of the heaviest is the stuff you can't see. The immaterial has a way of bearing down on your back that can't even be compared to, say, moving furniture, or carrying too many bags of groceries. Surely you have been doing what you can to improve things in your personal space and the world at large. You understand the wisdom in advice

World Merge
Waiting patiently at the edge of the world, you've seen a lot happen. From where you stand, you've gained the gifts that come with faith, hope, and love. Everything about your present circumstance in this moment contributes to the depth of meaning in what you see. Past experience affords you a sense of strength and sturdiness. You can, if you choose to direct your attention willfully, entrain your backbone to

Pure Power
Turbulence rages, yet mastery presents a space for you. Will you install yourself in the grounded position of one in control of emotions, one who uses what is indwelling as creative potential to make something of what is manifesting upon the scene? Within you are realms of peace, of wisdom. You're offered entrance to this space right now. In fact, you are continuously invited there. Dare you accept the opening

You can only reap what you sow. Eventually, what you've put your work and attention into is going to show its fruit. Maybe the harvest isn't what you expected. Has it come to this, then, that you can barely stand to look at what's grown from seeds planted with hope? You can only guess what's in the seed will come to bear something worth the time and effort needed to
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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.