Lose the Loss
Tap, tap, tap… How desolate the future can appear, at odd moments when your awareness slows in the cold and barren outer districts of reality. Succumbing to the freezing fields of mind bereft of light might actually feel tempting, as if it at least is justifying a reason for going on, even if it's just to prove to yourself through pain that you're still alive. Poverty, in its many clever

Carry a Dream into the Now
Picture it… What you see in your mind's eye, is it castles in the sky? Is it something more solid and sure? Something is brewing, promising more. But first you have to get yourself in order. Nothing drastic, nothing so rigidly disciplined that it knocks you off your dream. However, you'll want to be aware of what it is that's swimming in your dreams while it's still there in technicolor

What’s the Point?
War dance… There are at least two sides to the story, and everyone concerned has a point to make. Words have been said, deeds done, documents signed and fates sealed. Or so it seems. To be a fair fight, if it's a fight that's being sought, requires both sides to bear arms. Is this impasse impossible? Is it really necessary to go the full distance with this dance? There's a

You Begin
Good for you… Working through all the stuff you’ve been dealing with lately is paying off in ways that might not yet be apparent. Keep going, though, because you’re getting closer to the clearing, where sense and grace are to be found. In fact, grace is to be found everywhere, all the time; it’s only cloudy lenses that warp the field of vision, making it appear just out of reach. As
Explore More
Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.