Now You Can Finally Be Happy
Are you happy? In this moment, there is nothing but what you make of it. You have that much power, but power doesn't necessarily bring happiness. You can't drag it toward yourself, even if you have an idea of what it looks like, even if you've hitched yourself to it. Try as you might to do so, you could end up with the bare bones of something far different, having dragged

Clear Heads Win
Ready to risk it? Emotional turbulence can push you to the edge of making a dramatic move. Right now, if you're feeling a sense of being unplugged from solid ground, you might consider making a bold move. You might be witnessing others doing something uncharacteristically bold, whether it's protestations of love or the brunt of a vicious tirade. A little turbulence is to be expected when such a shift of timestreams

Empty your pockets… Whether or not justice has been served, you're being called to account, so wise up. Every now and then, it's a good idea to push your hands a little deeper into your pockets, past the lint and shredded tissues, beyond the candy wrappers and odd threads. Sometimes, there's a little something there, long forgotten, which you might want to be aware of. Or rid of, as the

Tear Wide the Veil, and Meet God
It's coming together… Some yearning of your heart has been kept at bay. Now it approaches the threshold of your reality, presenting you with an open door to enter. What will you find if you decide to get up and go through it? Is it really worth it to rouse yourself from where you've fallen into a somewhat comfortable position, upset your personal status quo, to greet an unknown? Ah,
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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.