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Current Messages

Time to Walk Away

Time to Walk Away

Walk away… Even if it's only for a little while, you know that right now a break from what you've been living as reality is necessary, healthy, and ultimately good for you. As well as you've been doing, focusing on your inner state, clearing up the debris from past disappointments or brokenness, you have come to a point where the universal rhythm is pointing you toward a new direction. Take it.
Having Fun with the Projections of Your Mind

Having Fun with the Projections of Your Mind

Summary: Well, isn't this an interesting point in time? The projections of your mind have firmly implanted themselves precisely where you couldn't see them coming. Now, you can decide whether to sacrifice yourself to them and become a victim of belief, or to finally, irreversibly get the point. Be careful with self-deception; carefully examine what comes up in your thoughts. In fact, it may just be best to clear things
Let It Shine

Let It Shine

Let it shine… With recent reality resets, it's likely that your inner-outer balance is a little on the skids. Now's not the time to shutter yourself in, to hide your light behind, under, or otherwise out of sight. Now's the time to get out of your own way and let your light shine. Despite hopelessness, jadedness, or despair, you nonetheless carry vital information within your understanding that the world needs
The Elemental Feminine Hides a Surprise

The Elemental Feminine Hides a Surprise

Summary: The elemental feminine is not so much about discovering your inner goddess as it is about nurturing your own self into being. What secrets will you discover, as you submit to the grander cycles of cosmic temporality? The clock's cycle gives a signal that the time has come to rise from the cage of darkness that had held the gates closed, to see unmistakably the guiding light of self-knowing
Ready to Let Go

Ready to Let Go

Time to rise… It is said that nothing is more painful than regret. While this may or may not be true to your particular moment, it's likely becoming apparent that you've done what you could to make sense and order from a certain set of circumstances. To what avail? What are you looking at now? Revelation. You see quite clearly that the cup, once spilled, cannot again hold what it
The Future’s in Capable Hands

The Future’s in Capable Hands

Summary: From the seed of hope has come a fine array of circumstance, yet the final piece has not yet been put in place for the enormity of that to be apparent. Stay focused on the task, knowing that apprenticeship is giving way to mastery, and that your capable hands have what it takes to bring the miracle into being. Be aware that others are having the same experience, and all
Disengage to Find Your Way through the Knot

Disengage to Find Your Way through the Knot

Untether yourself… There's a heady atmosphere surrounding the current force of events. Moving into a higher gear right now is only going to intensify what potential for conflict is there, catalyzing a chain reaction that might perhaps have a less-than-beneficial outcome for all involved. Instead of barreling headlong into the fracas on your own, consider pushing in the clutch and taking yourself out of gear for a short time, just
Energies Are Set to Change

Energies Are Set to Change

Summary: There's just no holding on to the way things were. No matter how prepared you think you are, it's likely that change is going to rock your world... at least a little bit. What's more likely to catch your attention is what happens in regard to how that change settles into direction. Inner and outer realities are striving to find harmony. Be aware of your footing. With energies set to

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March 2025
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