Look More Deeply Now
Look more deeply... There's more to what's in front of you than meets the eye. There's more to understand about what you're contemplating than on first glance. There's a greater reward to be found in digging deeper than you have yet done. The prize is not yet yours for the taking, but it does have your name written all over it. What's waiting for you will wait for you to arrive,

Moving Toward Destiny
A meeting with destiny... Now you have the wind in your favor, and despite any temporary slowing in your forward trajectory, you have a clear sense of movement. All the energy you're putting into getting your ideas transferred from where they've been to where they need to be is starting to strengthen you. You're plumbing the depths of your consciousness now, getting a feel for how well you've managed to turn

A Moment Off Balance
Something's off balance... and you've stumbled upon some hidden obstacles within this week's overall exuberant energy of transformation. You're well aware that there's always a little yin in the yang, and vice versa, some bad in the good and good in the bad. In this way, life keeps its balance and the machinery of evolution keeps grinding along. It's when the focus gets too much over the top on one side

Touch the Point of Resistance
A lot's changed... and you're all in. Ready to take on the full whack of transformation, reach higher and deeper than you've ever imagined possible. At last, something has come into your life in a way that can't be denied. Or can it? Have you noticed you're denying something? Suddenly aware of what you have to tidy up before blasting off into the wild new world? Chances are, all the pesky
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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.