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Out of Divine Hands, a Gift

Out of Divine Hands, a Gift

You realize something… For as long as you've dwelled in the space of your innermost thoughts, you've had the sense that you've missed the point of something rather important. There's been a nagging feeling of having skirted around something that bears the full weight of self-realization. It's not that you've been wantonly avoiding the truth. It's what you've been after all along. However, having sampled various flavors of it, you've
The Truth Emerges

The Truth Emerges

Summary: From the raw material of self have you carved away the excesses of the matrix to reveal the divine truth that you are. What you have carried inside is preparing to emerge, as you meet the destined point of self-revelation. As with you, so with others; remain focused and undeterred by whatever chaos spills over as the pressure of enforced being is released. Allow dense barrages of discord to
You’ve Got Another Think Coming

You’ve Got Another Think Coming

What a great idea… Formulations and computations have been giving you reason to think. And what you've been thinking seems like a wonderful adventure to take yourself on. Sure, you're not ready to share it with the world quite yet, and that's to your advantage. Why not give it another think, while you're cogitating and ruminating? Chew on it a while. Turn it around yet again, so you're more sure that
Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are

Come Out, Come Out, Whoever You Are

Summary: In pouring out your heart to yourself, you likely saw some things you're not very pleased with. Let all that's spilled out be absorbed by the earth, and know that the universe has a way of reassembling raw material into useful opportunities. As you take a look around, look at what's happening within. Listen and learn: that's the wisest thing to do when Nemesis comes a-knocking. Sometimes, what looks
Boo! Who? You.

Boo! Who? You.

Who are you?… Can you even recognize yourself lately? With all the emphasis that you've placed, as part of this world's great game, on doing what has to be done in order to get where you need to be, it's not impossible to lose track of yourself. What have you been over-zealous about, or micro-focused upon, that has diverted your attention from appreciating who you really are? Let us remind
Onward, Inward, and Beyond the Limits of Thought

Onward, Inward, and Beyond the Limits of Thought

Summary: The truth of who you are has never wavered from its fundamental message. However, you've been through a lot and as a result, you may have picked up a little torque in the energy of forward movement. Settle into the space of who you are and allow the inner composure to emerge. Your message is needed but you don't have to push to get it heard. Just be, let
Time to Have Fun Being You

Time to Have Fun Being You

Can we play?… It isn't that there's no work still to be done, but there is a call to step out into the light of day, just for a while, and rejuvenate your sense of self. It isn't that you don't have plenty of good things going on, but it's a good moment to reflect on just how much you have happening within the machinery of your growing self-awareness. You're pretty
Prepare for Bigger Truths to Be Revealed

Prepare for Bigger Truths to Be Revealed

Summary: To get from ignorance to bliss takes some stern decision-making moments of facing what you know as the truth. It's the same for everyone. In opening to the bigger picture, you leave behind the tangle of competing bits of information and move into the bigger space of revelation. Maintain attention on your heart. It will lead you to reconciliation with something even better than what has been. Scroll down

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March 2025
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