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Attune Yourself to Nine

Attune Yourself to Nine

Trust Nine… Can you sense the key that unlocks the door to a new world of loving goodwill, peace, and contentment? It's in your hand. More specifically, it's something you already have within yourself, because it is the core essence of the human heart. If that is something of a mystery to you, if you aren't one to be dazzled by warm, fuzzy apparitions of loving-kindness, yet you are human, you
New World Calling: Your Attention Is Required

New World Calling: Your Attention Is Required

Summary: Whether you're aware of it or not, the work you've been doing and the seeds you've been planting are starting to show vigorous growth. You'll be able to build on such things, but for now, keep at it. Turn your attention toward the perfecting work within, ever mindful of the calls of your subconscious and outer realms of communication. The old world, and all the ideas that built it, no
Inner Vision Comes to Life

Inner Vision Comes to Life

Hope magnified… You've held a vision for some time, even if it's only recently come into recognizable form to you. Wide open it now spreads, having been flushed full of color and vibrance from your own overflowing heart. Hope now magnifies as the thing you see magnetizes others who understand their part in your vision. These harmonically attuned souls recognize what you have projected from within your knowingness; they feel at
Feeling More Whole, Trusting Yourself

Feeling More Whole, Trusting Yourself

Summary: Finally, you're getting the feel of yourself in a whole new way, feeling more whole, and more magical in your presence. Integration is doing a great job on you. Now that some threads of awareness have come together, turn on the inner light and let it guide you to that open gateway just ahead. You've come a long way on a hard road. The goal is in sight. Staying on
Out of Inner Disharmony Comes More Love

Out of Inner Disharmony Comes More Love

Inner disharmony… With the general state of things lately being out of balance, it's no wonder if you're feeling like trusted pathways of affirming your state of being aren't quite working as they ought. Guess what? It's like that when there's a major upgrade in the making. Where you stand right now—though it feels like your normal sensibilities are clouded, your efforts not as productive as you'd hoped—is at the threshold
Are You Ready, Spiritual Manifestor?

Are You Ready, Spiritual Manifestor?

Summary: As a spiritual manifestor, you're coming to understand the implications of creating a new reality. Reflect, now that you hold a holographic seed of a new world in your hand, the kind of energetics you're attuning yourself to. You've risen, and grown in wisdom. Relax your mental grip on your vision, and your eyes, and allow the space of amplification to enhance what you are doing. Read on below for
Comes the Inner Reckoning

Comes the Inner Reckoning

Feeling the nitty gritty… For some time, you've been working according to a set of principles, disciplining yourself according to precision-oriented goals. Suddenly, what felt like breezing through the steeplechase has turned into mucking in soggy trails so obliterated by overuse there's no direction to be found in them. You were perfectly willing to jump the hurdles on the way. Reasonable obstacles build agility in thought, word, and action. However, when
Getting Closer to Manifestation

Getting Closer to Manifestation

Summary: Manifestation of thought, hopes, dreams, and plans can find a way to your doorstep now, if you've really faced what's facing you and decided to believe in yourself. No reservations, just diligent forward-thinking action now calls you. The future may just be as bright as you've gleaned from your peeks into time's secrets. Read on below for the full message... Ten of Pentacles  — Eight of Pentacles — The Emperor

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March 2025
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