Attune Yourself to Nine
Trust Nine… Can you sense the key that unlocks the door to a new world of loving goodwill, peace, and contentment? It's in your hand. More specifically, it's something you already have within yourself, because it is the core essence of the human heart. If that is something of a mystery to you, if you aren't one to be dazzled by warm, fuzzy apparitions of loving-kindness, yet you are human, you

Inner Vision Comes to Life
Hope magnified… You've held a vision for some time, even if it's only recently come into recognizable form to you. Wide open it now spreads, having been flushed full of color and vibrance from your own overflowing heart. Hope now magnifies as the thing you see magnetizes others who understand their part in your vision. These harmonically attuned souls recognize what you have projected from within your knowingness; they feel at

Out of Inner Disharmony Comes More Love
Inner disharmony… With the general state of things lately being out of balance, it's no wonder if you're feeling like trusted pathways of affirming your state of being aren't quite working as they ought. Guess what? It's like that when there's a major upgrade in the making. Where you stand right now—though it feels like your normal sensibilities are clouded, your efforts not as productive as you'd hoped—is at the threshold

Comes the Inner Reckoning
Feeling the nitty gritty… For some time, you've been working according to a set of principles, disciplining yourself according to precision-oriented goals. Suddenly, what felt like breezing through the steeplechase has turned into mucking in soggy trails so obliterated by overuse there's no direction to be found in them. You were perfectly willing to jump the hurdles on the way. Reasonable obstacles build agility in thought, word, and action. However, when
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