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Open to the Divine Within

Open to the Divine Within

Cradle of divinity… Can you see yourself anew? In truth, it as if you have stepped through a portal into a different and quite vibrant reality. Is it to your liking? If it hasn't come into focus yet, you can afford to give it a little time. While you do, get in touch with the immensity of power that lay within. Center yourself in a moment of pause, and allow
You Can Gain Much in the Space of a Breath

You Can Gain Much in the Space of a Breath

Summary: It's been a wild ride of late, and you may have been riding high in many ways. You can gain much now from sliding back into a familiar resonance with reality. Take a moment to reflect and rebalance the flow of love with the flow of its real-world material revelations. Take time to rest now, so the full elegance and power of the plan can be appreciated. Read on below
Polishing the Alchemical Gold

Polishing the Alchemical Gold

Keep polishing… Everything that you've done so far has brought you this far. Now is not a time to give up, nor to give into prevailing winds. Did you know you have the power to change fortune? Of course you do, for you've been telling yourself that for a long time, and doing the work to prove it to yourself time and time again. You have stockpiled a long list
A Place of Perfect Balance

A Place of Perfect Balance

Summary: Here you are, having let go of what you've trusted to move you forward, having found new powers of inner navigation and higher levels of trust. You're at a point of perfect balance, ready to launch yourself into the Now that you've been waiting for. Recognize that it has indeed arrived, and that this moment in time is most powerful. Stay attuned to the power of the heart and your
Surrender to Empowerment

Surrender to Empowerment

You've got this… Nothing is going to deter you from reaching the point of empowerment that you're currently committed to. If you've felt off-track in recent days, come back to remembering who you are. This is essential if you are to move through this period of transformation, for it is wrenching tighter and bringing you into a more pressurized encounter with your inner nature. You are becoming aware of the
You Know Who You Are

You Know Who You Are

Summary: A new perspective gives you a new understanding of yourself. As the release completes, you own the experience and rise with faith to the call of higher light. You know who you are within the moment of challenge, and you carve your space of authority with true empowerment and enthusiasm. Trust the flow, find the balance point, and recognize yourself within the spectrum of generous giving and grateful receiving. Read
Sacred Arrival, Now

Sacred Arrival, Now

Time of arrival… The ritual is nearly complete, to the satisfaction of those who watch from the edge of reality. Within the sacred circle of the life that you have given yourself, you have reached the edge of the world. You stand poised to bring into final balance those essentials which you have carried through the fire of initiation. All has been stripped from the core, leaving only the dowsing
The Intention and Blessing of the Timeless Now

The Intention and Blessing of the Timeless Now

Summary: Movement has begun, and life is taking on a new form, one that has been given the shape of things to come by virtue of the intention and blessing you have given. Having dropped pretense, you discover that everything you thought had to be won by force now comes naturally, with grace. You find yourself within a point of power, and a point of choice. What you do next will

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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.

March 2025
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