A New Direction
A new direction... Are you surprised at how effectively things change once you commit yourself to taking a new course? Suddenly, you're hurtling in a new direction. Can you trust that you are going in the right one? You have carved out the path ahead of you with the sharp tool of intention. Coupled with an awareness of higher forces of guidance, intelligence, and loving care, can you really go wrong?

Commitment to Change
A welcome pause... Perhaps waiting is not your strong point, but right now, you feel the silence fall and the expectant hush that precedes the orchestra's next movement. Now is a time to feel the poise of preparation. Let any rigidity melt away, along with any residual "hot" emotional energies, such as anger, resentment, or last week's monstrosities. You have this. Feel the balance. An air of expectancy begins to enliven

Incoming Energies
Wait for it... An onrush of incoming energies is set to touch down imminently. Keep an eye out for things happening, and remember to ground yourself so you don't get knocked off-balance. These are clearing the way for a bright new day to show itself, in a new light. Just get through what's unavoidably going to happen, with forgiveness, acceptance, whatever the situation calls for, and instead of getting pummeled, you'll

Feel Your Strength
Feeling disempowered? Relax, and wait, and remember what strength there is in learning to become patient. While on one hand, waiting is draining, on the other hand, you can control what is drained. Instead of feeling your power wane, let go of those thoughts and mental images that weaken you in any way. Choose to focus on what nourishes your spirit, and let go of the arguments and sensory assaults
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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.