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Current Messages

Facing Facts

Facing Facts

Summary: You’ve reached a point of balance, and already the barren landscape that’s led to a higher perspective is shifting off to one side. You’re firmly set in the surroundings you’ve brought into view, holding all potential and the capacity to initiate new life in transformation of the old. It’s a moment worthy of reflection… and the full power of transformation rests in the reflection of self in other. What miracles

Seeds of Abundance

Seeds of Abundance

Summary: You’ve learned by now that everything you do is going to have an effect on your experience. What you contribute now can be revolutionary, and very promising for the future. While you stand at the meeting point of opposite reality bases, know you are at a point of infinite potential. What you bring into being is in accord with where you have your inner essence rooted. Have you found divine

Nemesis Leaves in Blessing

Nemesis Leaves in Blessing

Summary: Within the sharp backward look at the trail you have traveled in the depths of weeks past, allow the light of blessing to find a place to be. After all, everything has been arranging itself while you’ve been busy with what has put itself in your path. Now it’s time to see that what you have to set into place in the reality you participate in is about ready to

Distillation Made Manifest

Distillation Made Manifest

Summary: Last week’s standoff has matured into a distillation of essential forces. What power and emotion were, mind and heart bring into the moment of coming into balance, toward the singularity of recognition and identification. You have done the work of diving deep into the core of your power, and you find yourself now bearing the parallax crystallization of a mind sharpened and pure. Cool steadiness is not the same as

Deep Inquiry

Deep Inquiry

Summary: In the present moment, you may sense an elemental standoff. Deep inquiry is leading to a reversal in perspective, where the field of awareness is brought to a deeper level. Now is a moment to pause, to breathe, to bring into balance of power those forces that could otherwise spell destruction to each other. Too long they have been kept at odds. In diving into the inquiry of state, of

Towers in Turmoil

Towers in Turmoil

Summary: In turmoil and sudden fury, the tower falls. The beginning of the end has arrived and the rats are flying from the high dungeons of darkness. Under this full moon, a blast of awareness dislodges the final vestiges of a bloody ritual of secrecy and ambition, as well as the brilliance of a segregated sovereignty now released. Turmoil spills into the realm of probability, as the balance of power shifts

Secrets Revealed

Secrets Revealed

Summary: Secrets revealing themselves now are going to have an effect on how you see and what you experience. A period of adjustment as a new wave of consciousness brings emotion and awareness leads to a time of dealing with the things revealed. What had been neatly organized now spills forth in an undeniable mess, but that need not give rise to despair. On the contrary, remembering the comfort of the

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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.

March 2025
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