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Sweep the Dark Corners Clean

Sweep the Dark Corners Clean

Hold up a minute… It might feel like the right time to move on that great plan of yours, but there's wisdom in reassessing how you got to where you are. There's also some wisdom in taking another look at what it is you've concocted, because it might not be as you perceive it to be. So often, those ideas we spin into plans are nothing more than gossamer threads
A Moment to Assess the Situation

A Moment to Assess the Situation

Summary: Background turbulence has brought a lot to the surface. You're dealing with it, just, but what's called for is to tap into a moment of calm. Lock into the peace below the surface, and you'll become more aware of what joy awaits—even if you can't quite get a read on it. In the moment between, where you hover now in expectation for "something" to happen, get clear about yourself.
Destiny Calling, Are You Ready to Remember?

Destiny Calling, Are You Ready to Remember?

Heed the call… Can you finally admit to yourself that you actually have an idea of what to do next? Your soul, or a close approximation of it, has made it increasingly clear that you do. Remember, remember... you came fully equipped with a plan, engaged with those spiritual adjuncts prepared and ready to assist with upgrades and calibrations as needed. If you forgot that, settle down and reconnect. Despite
Keeping Secrets from Yourself

Keeping Secrets from Yourself

Summary: The prize is yours, if you dare venture to the turbulent edge of reality. Not the one you've dreamed up, but the one that's tossing real clues your way. Whatever you do, know that you're not without an audience. Wise up to the fact that your inner being knows exactly what you're doing; there's no getting away with anything less than total transparency. Something big is beckoning, and it
The Matrix of Reality Is Shifting, and So Are You

The Matrix of Reality Is Shifting, and So Are You

Get in alignment… With so much happening at once, you have to get things in order, if you want to make sense of it all. Really, all you have to worry about it what you're already dealing with, and "worry" has little to do with dealing effectively. So put worry aside, and merely move through the action of being with what you are doing. Simple, right? It is if you remember
Your Presence Is Required

Your Presence Is Required

Summary: People, situations, and ideas may be the biggest distractions you have right now, but they're all a function of what's going on in your mind. Be on alert to what pulls you away from operational inner energy flow, and nail yourself down to the present moment. Be here and nowhere else. As you approach the final stages of total shift of your personal reality, take care of the loose ends
King of Your Road

King of Your Road

Take care of business… Mind the details and the big picture will come together in a proper and just way. You'll do better following a path that's got a track record than you will by setting out on a revolutionary, maverick ideation. Just for now, feel yourself sink into the solidity of what it feels like to have it all: your life plan (don't worry if you don't have one,
A Step in the Right Direction

A Step in the Right Direction

Summary: Feeling about done with things as they've been? The drama has really been draining, and you're sure you don't need it any more. When you have that realization, what comes with it is a sense of moseying along, rather than rushing out the door. Take your time. You're morphing into a powerful new version of yourself, planting your purpose in fertile ground, recommitting to your higher calling. You've got or

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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.

March 2025
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