Sweep the Dark Corners Clean
Hold up a minute… It might feel like the right time to move on that great plan of yours, but there's wisdom in reassessing how you got to where you are. There's also some wisdom in taking another look at what it is you've concocted, because it might not be as you perceive it to be. So often, those ideas we spin into plans are nothing more than gossamer threads

Destiny Calling, Are You Ready to Remember?
Heed the call… Can you finally admit to yourself that you actually have an idea of what to do next? Your soul, or a close approximation of it, has made it increasingly clear that you do. Remember, remember... you came fully equipped with a plan, engaged with those spiritual adjuncts prepared and ready to assist with upgrades and calibrations as needed. If you forgot that, settle down and reconnect. Despite

The Matrix of Reality Is Shifting, and So Are You
Get in alignment… With so much happening at once, you have to get things in order, if you want to make sense of it all. Really, all you have to worry about it what you're already dealing with, and "worry" has little to do with dealing effectively. So put worry aside, and merely move through the action of being with what you are doing. Simple, right? It is if you remember

King of Your Road
Take care of business… Mind the details and the big picture will come together in a proper and just way. You'll do better following a path that's got a track record than you will by setting out on a revolutionary, maverick ideation. Just for now, feel yourself sink into the solidity of what it feels like to have it all: your life plan (don't worry if you don't have one,
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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.