No Time Like the Present
Snapshot… How long does it take you to time-travel when you see an old photograph of yourself? While it's often the big events that you use to draw a dot-to-dot outline of your life path, it's more likely that what's innocently caught on camera of an odd moment of normalcy holds more potent charge, when you connect to it. In a flash, you can find yourself zapped from now to

Dancing on the Wheel of Fate
Well, that happened… You knew something would happen. You just didn't know for sure what it would be. Now, all of a sudden, things are moving and you find yourself balancing on a bouncing tightrope. All you have to do is to get from here to there, and the way is already well laid out. If you allow yourself to be distracted from the target by the flux of quickly shifting

Reality Can Be Weird
Funny how that works… Just when you find yourself standing in a particular spot, musing over the particularities of your current situation in life, along comes a great wave of change. Haven't you been prepared for it, though? Haven't you anticipated the incoming pressure of shifting conditions, the surge of mental impressions that are just now pushing levers and buttons in your head, making things make sense? Even if you

Play a Game of Pick Up Sticks
No way out… As tangled and complex as everything seems to be right now, you can't be blamed for looking for an easy way out. Try as you might to find that secret side exit door, it's illusive and disappears as soon as you reach out to grab the handle. Yes, things may be a bit of a mess. Yes, you might be, too. Confusion and complexity go hand in
Explore More
Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.