Everybody calm down… Somebody's making sense of things. If you pay attention, you might learn a thing or two. After all, what good is wisdom for its own sake, if it can't be appreciated and—most importantly—acted upon by those who are still acquiring it? Here's the thing to remember right now: For all that you have encountered in your life's journey, there are others who have encountered something too. Different

Be Your Own Fairy Godmother
Do you believe? … Just when you need a little stardust—or a little hope—you might have a wish for a fairy godmother to pop in and tap you with a sparkling wand full of "fix-it". How much energy you can expend focusing on making a miracle happen. Sometimes, in she comes waltzing, that kindly elder with a twinkle in her eye. It may not be magic but wisdom that soothes

Moving Forward with the Plan
What were you thinking?… Or were you even really thinking? Maybe you were just flying by the seat of your pants... or maybe you only made it seem that way. You've landed in a pretty good spot, but now your senses are extending outward and you sense something obscure in the distance. If you were to turn and look at it, it may not seem all that distant, after all.

Drain the Poison
Now breathe… Last week, you were encouraged to withdraw the blades from old wounds and let the healing begin. Now, withdraw into the sacred space of your breath. Take this time to recharge. Let everything drain from you: the bad blood, the poison, the toxicity. You've been carrying it within you for long enough. The time ahead of you requires your complete commitment to rebirth. The poison of bitter words,
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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.