Will You Win the Game?
Mind is alive… Activity is firing on all cylinders, yet something’s not connecting. Before you scream in frustration at the intensity of what’s happening inside your head, take a break. Remember, things will get done, but only if you do one thing at a time. That which comes up as most important for the moment will be obvious, and the rest will happen in turn. Given the circumstances, not only

How to Solve the Puzzle
Are you there yet?... Well, that's been an interesting trip into the deep past of psychic adventures. Digging into the well of memory yields a lot of food for thought. Again and again, you have accepted the challenge posed by the past and thrown yourself headlong into the path of grappling with some souvenir that needed to be tossed over the river's edge. From the bridge you've been building to the

What Were You Thinking?
Wake up... You have to rouse yourself from the dream at some point. Now is a good time to raise your head and see things as they are. Take stock in all the thinking you've been investing in keeping a thing alive. Sometimes, seeing things as hopeless is tantamount to giving yourself a new lease on life. Waking to a new reality is not the same thing as letting a dream

Digging Into Core Issues
You're managing... Does it feel like just barely? It wasn't that long ago that you felt staggered by the amount of energies coming at you. Your advice was to take what was in front of you at the moment and deal with it, with the flexibility to shift as needs arose. If you haven't had the time to sit back and catch your breath, that's understandable. But relax. Know that this
Explore More
Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.