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Behold, the Machinery of Transformation

Behold, the Machinery of Transformation

So many things... How much can you handle at once? The machinery of transformation has kicked into gear. With information, ideas, and inspiration hurtling into your conscious space at a rapid rate, it's easy to understand momentary bouts of confusion. Overwhelm is not necessary, however. If you step back and take a broad look at things, you might notice that they all seem to be lining up in some semblance of
Ready to Become Transformed?

Ready to Become Transformed?

Summary: There's no putting it off any longer. The light is ready to shine, and it's your job to carry it through the darkness. The time has come to become transformed. You've tended it faithfully, and allowed it to lead you into the darkness where your power was revealed to you. Now, let it fill your mind, from where it dwells in perfect equanimity within your heart. Turbulence will settle. The
Get a Grip, and Reintegrate

Get a Grip, and Reintegrate

Get a grip... If your thoughts have been running amok of late, this is the time to roll up your sleeves and get a handle on them. You've started to realize that the chaos around you is not going to settle until you get some things straight in your head. Really, you have little else to take control of in the situation at this point in time. Within your past are
Review, Release into a Higher Vibration

Review, Release into a Higher Vibration

Summary: A higher perspective has given you insight. As you journey on, take time to appreciate where you are now. Go on your way trusting your enlightened sensibilities, without worrying who's following. Those who matter are with you. Meanwhile, what rises from the shadows, as your mind rests reflecting on your path, has come now to a point of final release. Let go, no matter what doubts you might have about
Hang On, It’s Information Overload

Hang On, It’s Information Overload

Stuck and waiting... Have you hit information overload yet? Sometimes, it's not what's outside of you that poses an obstacle. It can just as well be from within. A lot is happening in the world around you. Your intuition is squeaking sweet nudges to help you stay balanced and true to self. Just. While you have a moment, take it. Right now, as you read these words, let the thoughts that
Here’s Another Opportunity Coming

Here’s Another Opportunity Coming

Summary: This week, everything seems upside-down. There's an opportunity to change that. Hurry up and wait is necessary now, just so everything can express itself in fullness and grace. You, too, have to take a step back now to get into balance. A lot is happening in the background to distract you from your main task. Find your balance at zero point and prepare to unmask your true self in the
Trust Your Divine Arrangement

Trust Your Divine Arrangement

Moving right along... How much you've released! Letting go of unnecessary baggage never felt so good. With the essentials of wisdom tucked neatly in a package, out of your mind, you can turn your face toward higher things. Everything is in divine arrangement, and there's a sense of finally being able to trust the path, the plan, the grand design of it all. Above all, you are finding it easier to
Master Your Inner Reserves of Power

Master Your Inner Reserves of Power

Summary: After the long journey to reach the shores of a new dream, you find yourself at a point of temporal suspension. Inner reserves spent, you've given, released, cleansed and cleared, let go, cut cords, and now you have a new reality just in front of you. Move forward with your power in your own clear control. Adjust as needed and the way to your destination will be easier to tread

Explore More

Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.

March 2025
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