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The Devil

The Devil

Looking deeper this week... Instead of moving away from each other, could it be that the secret to liberation lay in coming together in the face of a monster? #pleiadian #tarot #nine Share on X Explore Nine's Path You can join a discussion of this and other tarot posts at the Roundtable Forum. That Looming Devil: Can you feel the fire of antagonism tearing apart the fabric of what
What Have You Found?

What Have You Found?

Summary: Gaining balance in the midst of turmoil has never been without some inner revelations about one’s own natural magic. Right now, while the world is experiencing wave after wave of tumultuous change, you’ve found a point of balance before you. Stay with it, and rest from the work you’ve done, knowing that the transformation is in process and your place within the world of wisdom is secure. Now is

Something Is Missing… or Is It?

Something Is Missing… or Is It?

Summary: You’ve come to a point in your search for fulfillment on something where you feel like turning around, as if everything you’ve constructed has come to naught, as if… something is missing. Settle into your knowing. Guided by your intuition, focus yourself in this moment on the essential knowing you carry within. Feel the fulfillment of holding that for yourself. Know in this now that you hold the thing

Maintain Integrity

Maintain Integrity

Summary: While things unravel, the truth is coming forward in a big, bold way. Hold on to what you know is true, that core essential stripped of all its trappings, the shining singularity of thought that withstands any onslaught. Right now, maintain integrity and stay steady. Stay grounded, as your intuition is guiding you to something you already sense is big. You have yet more to reveal, and your truth

A Bold Arrival of Golden Light

A Bold Arrival of Golden Light

Summary: This turn of the calendar page marks the bold arrival of new energies manifesting in your world. You hold the beginnings of something grand, and when the dust settles, you’ll be in clear view of a brilliant new source of light and life. Where you felt its recent promise, you now can feel it multiplied, and yourself moving boldly forward, fully energized. Remember those who accompany you and stay grounded

New Adventures in World Affairs

New Adventures in World Affairs

Summary: Last week, you took a last look at a legacy of having to stand your ground against aggression and outmoded ways of thinking. A period of introspection has now led to a whole new perspective, as if the world has been turned on its head. The result: Illumination of the shadows and a renewed passion for adventure. Moving forward, you can own your new sense of groundedness and control, to

Higher Understanding

Higher Understanding

Summary: The path you’ve traveled has brought you to the point of energetic finality, with verdant fields beckoning in the beyond. You hold divine Nine in your hands, to put into place the final turn of the machinery of self-understanding. As you enter into the moment of transforming, allow the old guard to slip into the nether of their own making. You have brought from heaven the keys to unlock a

From Silent Counsel, the Shadows Retreat

From Silent Counsel, the Shadows Retreat

Summary: You have taken counsel with the highest seat of wisdom, and over the course of your sojourn you have gained much in the way of wisdom, power, and knowing. That doesn’t mean anyone is ready to hear you. You may find yourself ready to speak, waiting for the room to get quiet so your words are not lost. What you have to say has to be delivered without the lurching

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Want to see last week’s messages? How about comparing recent events with recent tarot spreads? Exploring history can lead to more insights.

March 2025
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