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Category: Keeping on the Path

Comes the Inner Reckoning

Comes the Inner Reckoning

Feeling the nitty gritty… For some time, you've been working according to a set of principles, disciplining yourself according to precision-oriented goals. Suddenly, what felt like breezing through the steeplechase has turned into mucking in soggy trails so obliterated by overuse there's no direction to be
Open to the Divine Within

Open to the Divine Within

Cradle of divinity… Can you see yourself anew? In truth, it as if you have stepped through a portal into a different and quite vibrant reality. Is it to your liking? If it hasn't come into focus yet, you can afford to give it a
Polishing the Alchemical Gold

Polishing the Alchemical Gold

Keep polishing… Everything that you've done so far has brought you this far. Now is not a time to give up, nor to give into prevailing winds. Did you know you have the power to change fortune? Of course you do, for you've been telling
Surrender to Empowerment

Surrender to Empowerment

You've got this… Nothing is going to deter you from reaching the point of empowerment that you're currently committed to. If you've felt off-track in recent days, come back to remembering who you are. This is essential if you are to move through this period
Sacred Arrival, Now

Sacred Arrival, Now

Time of arrival… The ritual is nearly complete, to the satisfaction of those who watch from the edge of reality. Within the sacred circle of the life that you have given yourself, you have reached the edge of the world. You stand poised to bring
Will You Win the Game?

Will You Win the Game?

Mind is alive… Activity is firing on all cylinders, yet something’s not connecting. Before you scream in frustration at the intensity of what’s happening inside your head, take a break. Remember, things will get done, but only if you do one thing at a time.
What Were You Thinking?

What Were You Thinking?

Wake up... You have to rouse yourself from the dream at some point. Now is a good time to raise your head and see things as they are. Take stock in all the thinking you've been investing in keeping a thing alive. Sometimes, seeing things as
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