Reflections on the Tarot
Occasional contemplations on the weekly messages

Mind the Gap
Mind the gap. There’s a world to discover there. Between what appeared to be immovable objects, objections, or objectives opens the way. Move through it. You have the sanction of both stars and ancestry, and time calls you to deliver what you have been carrying. The code, whether you know it or not, is ripe […]

Right Now, It’s Time to Grow Up
This week seems to be a time of crashing illusions. While there’s something to be said for how events unfold on the world stage, with all the fake news on one side or the other, the big story is how we’re seeing things on the inside. That’s always where the most drama happens, and where […]

The Way of a Great Teacher

Tension Points to Transformation
I drew a card on Monday to go further along the path carved out by last week’s message. It’s the Tower card, reversed; you can read about that here. It seems to mark a tension point, and we can follow it to release something hidden that we’ve been carrying. The results can be liberating, on many […]

Reflecting on the Immanence of Change: War?
All righty, so at the risk of venturing into turbulent political waters, I’m just gonna dive in and share a Q&A from one of the social platforms I frequent, regarding this week’s cards. It likely speaks to things many are thinking. Q: “Reaching out for any input you have Maryann, how do we keep focused while […]

Red Pill Moment
Red Pill Moment: Waking up to see the ideas around you that you may have been resisting or unaware of are all stacking up neatly and pointing to a direction that leads you out of your cave. Are you able to leave your comfort zone? Or would you rather stay asleep? Once you recognize the […]

Sturm und Drang, or Love’s Labors Lost and Found
Just this week I realized that what I had built in my mind as a theme for my life has slipped somewhat from where it began. If I look around for blame, I dare say that it is life that has intervened. Varieties of experience bring my awareness to things that make me focus on […]

Zero-Point Begins the Shift
Today’s post comes directly from the Pleiadian tarot team. When it is obvious to you that the changes you have been waiting for have actually begun to happen, you are at a point in your journey where you have achieved balance. You only have to recognize it to experience it. The division point between what […]

Can We Rise?
Sooner or later, spikes driven into ice will make it crack. We stand frozen in the face of a cold, unrelenting machinery of control, and the spikes of fear are being driven with greater ferocity, with almost reckless lust, into the body of our shared humanity. What will happen next, we wonder? Yet we remain […]

Keep Your Focus on the Fish
This week, I am entering into the depths of website development and feeling a bit over my head. I know the result will be worth the effort, because the present Opalescent Nine site is getting a complete overhaul and will bring the entire League of Light mission to a greater level of bright service at […]

Running Away or Standing Your Ground?
This week, my young son reached a few milestones to mark his maturity. While remembering to pick up his clothes from the bathroom floor was not among them, he’s demonstrated several ways that he’s actually been paying attention to the lessons life and parents have been throwing at him. Then he met Gabrielle. Gabrielle’s meddlesome […]

Reflecting on the Swords
So I had this idea of writing a little reflection piece in between readings, just to connect what’s been coming up on my screen with the guiding virtues of the week’s Pleiadian tarot spread. Sound like a good idea? I’m hoping it will trigger some conversation, too, either in the comments of the post or […]